29 July 2006

Huangyangtan - Stealth relocation

The weather was, for the first time in a few weeks, cool enough that it was possible to go outside. As stated earlier, Wife and Daughter are out of town. I had stocked up before they left (with our car), but found it necessary a few days before their return to leave the apartment being as I had run out of food. The only things left in the cupboards were some Kitty Nibbles, left over from our former cat Pookie, as well as some anchovies, which I think Wife is saving for something.

I took a route that promised a bit more shade, which led me past a hedge around the Noisy Family's house. Through it I noticed a lot of turquoise blue. Ah, ha! The swimming pool has been relocated to the other side of the house. That explains why the shrieking and cries of "Owww-wah" have been less distinct recently, with more of an echo to them.

Boing Boing seems to have picked up on the Huangyangtan mystery, reporting on the article that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald (
link to Boing Boing).

Don't forget those food-money PayPal donations to FeedMyGEHabit@yahoo.com; that's what keeps quality journalism like this possible.


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