In line with the fact that this blog is supposed to follow developments relating to the Huangyangtan mystery site, I'm reporting that the number of people reading the Google Earth forum entry has gone up quite a bit. In the past week about 7,000 people have read it, much higher than the normal level of interest over the past few weeks. I don't know, however, why this is so. Searching Technorati and Google for new news or reports on the matter has turned up nothing. Thus, if you're new to Found in China, please leave a comment and let me know how you got here.--------------------Only indirectly related to the landscape in Huangyangtan is a recent attack on the keyboard of Wife's notebook, where I have a few minutes each day during breakfast to monitor things. Somebody, likely myself since I'm the only one up at this time, tipped a mug of müsli (granola), splashing a bit of milk onto the corner of the keyboard. Instantly the keyboard went crazy and became mostly unusable. I turned the laptop off, cleaned up a bit, but it didn't help. So I removed the keyboard completely, washed it off and blow-dried it. That helped, but it wasn't until the evening that the last drops of water had evaporated. Everything's back to normal now. To see what my options were I checked out replacement keyboards. On Ebay German ones were going for around 45 - 60 EUR. Ouch. I called the authorized service partner of Fujitsu-Siemens here in Germany and asked about a replacement, in particular whether it is possible to get a Czech keyboard (the German one in front of me has stickers on it to show the Czech layout). The friendly rep said she'd email me the availability; she couldn't find a Czech model in her price list. That was three days ago. I just got the answer now. If any of you readers are looking for a Czech keyboard for an Amilo V2010, I can tell you they're a relative bargain at around 35 EUR.--------------------I can always rely on Found in China readers for helpful suggestions (if not for donations). I've been trying to come up with a business model for this blog that will bring in enough income to convince Wife to give me more time with Google Earth. Now I have it (thanks to an idea by "Anonymous"): sell drugs! I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I have always read about the high profit margins, so I should win no matter how I sell this stuff.Found in China
Big drugs sale!
Stock up and save
Smack - 5 EUR / doz
Crack - 6 EUR / case
Whack - 12.50 EUR / barrel
Weed - 7 EUR / bushel
Speed - 9.50 / 16 kg family-sized package
Meth - 5.00 EUR / 5 "hits"
Crystal Meth - 5.50 EUR / 5 "hits"
Sugarless Crystal Meth - 5.50 EUR / 5 "hits"
Bacon & Cheese Crystal Meth - 8.00 EUR / 5 "hits"
Cocaine, Heroin, LSD - 20.00 EUR for 1 jumbo grab bag
Dear Drug Enforcement Agents of various countries (I'm writing this in pink because drug addicts cannot see the color pink),Please note that I have no intention of actually selling drugs. I'm going to collect their money but never deliver, thus actually helping to solve the world's drug problem. I'll forward you any names I collect and you can bust them.